Guidelines in Module Making


Training Modules

Modules must follow proposed format.
No. of Pages: Not less than 30 pages
P6,000/module (inclusive of supplies, labor, and covering 10% tax) – after proposed module passes screening of the RCECC Editorial Subcommittee

There must be a separate Module for resource person and another for the student.  This way, intellectual property rights are protected. The Module for Students will have more bullet points, illustrations, etc. to facilitate learning.  The Module for Teachers includes activities like games to introduce topic, energizers, tips, etc. in addition to the lesson proper. 

A written agreement must be done between RCECC and person who proposes to prepare the module. The module becomes property of RCECC

For some who have their own modules (e.g. from some associations like PSME, etc), they should furnish the RCEC a copy and copies only for the training participants.

Guidelines for the Preparation of a Module Folder

Note: The module folder is NOT simply a compilation of Power-point slides, lecture notes, tutorial schedules, assignments and etc. It should be prepared as a supportive document for the teaching portfolio, such that the material relevant to the claims made in the Teaching Portfolio is clearly presented, and the inferences spelt out.

The folder should be no more than 30 pages, font 12, single line spacing.

  1. Description of the module
    1. Module number and title
    2. Aims and objectives
    3. Class enrolment
    4. Structure of the module (lecture, tutorial, etc)
  2. Your contribution to syllabus review and course design in this module.
  3. Description of how the pedagogical strategies contribute to the intended learning outcomes.
  4. Description of how computer and other teaching aids are used in teaching.
  5. Representative reading assignments and explanation on their usefulness.
  6. Representative sample of assessment tasks (final and continuous) and explanation on their cognitive goals.
  7. Examples of CA (assignment, projects, tests etc) together with your feedback on student work.
  8. Examples of emails/communication between you and your students which facilitated their learning.
  9. List of major problems/difficulties encountered and description of actions taken to solve them and improve teaching.
  10. Your major achievements in this module.